Monday, April 25, 2011

Sinful Sunday

Sorry it's a little late.. New job and not a lot of sexy time has kept me busy and low energy. However, I'm determined to keep up with WW and SS.

Pics, description and good news under the cut - all are necessary, I feel.

Yay for Sinful (Easter) Sunday!
Sinful Sunday

For those of you who follow me on Fet or follow my other blog (if not, shame on you!), you are aware that I have been on quest for my Lady (that is Her preferred title for those of us who are close to Her). Quest is when we undergo our "trials" in order to earn Her collar. There have been some rough spots as She and I adjusted to that final step and my Quest underwent a change. However, as of April 15th, I officially completed my Quest.

Next weekend, there is an event that is special to my Lady's heart. NEEHU (The New England Erotic Hypnosis Unconference) is a new con, specifically to explore the beauty and fun of erotic hypnosis. She has been involved with it for it's inaugural year, last year, as well as this year.

This year, however, will have an event that last year did not. My Lady will have a collaring ceremony, and formally accept my girlfriend Twinklie and me into the family.

Next week's SS pic will be taken at the con, unless things are too wild and I forget *giggle*

This week, however, for your viewing pleasure, are my 2 collars for Her.

The one on the right, with the charms, is my play collar. My neck is a little too big for an actual kitty collar, but a dog size collar with kitty charms works. (Which, as an aside, are Hello Kitty, a bell and a heart. All gifts from my girlfriend. hehe <3)

The one on the left is my formal collar, which I will be presenting to Her for the ceremony. I got it at a Dirty Santa party, which I later found out it was donated by a friend of O/ours, Lady Moon. (She doesn't strictly care for the punctuation protocol game, but in this case, I used it to point out that both She and I consider Lady Moon a friend.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhh how very exciting. Thanks for joining in sinful sunday again and I have added your link in.

