Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another Wanton Wednesday is here!

It's time for another Wanton Wednesday. I'm not as clever or creative as some of the other women who participate, but I'm doing my darndest to keep it going. Also i'm going to mention here that I have another blog where I post my thoughts and am a bit more verbose. Check it out to get a different image of me besides random picture blips. It's at http://sleepykitten1981.blogspot.com/ Anyway, on with the show!

Click the Wanton Wednesday image to see others who are celebrating their beauty and sexuality!

Officially, winter has already ended. However, I am a girl from the Gulf south who recently moved to Minnesota, so I'm still freezing my sadly small rear end off. The ice is noticeably melting down now, though, so in my opinion, spring is returning. That means that it's time to start actually paying attention to my legs again. One of the girls I live with here generously offered the use of her epilator, which I've never used before. (For those of you who may not know, it is basically mechanical spinning tweezers that yank hairs out.) I've been experimenting with it. And whimpering and crying from it. But I'm determined to see it through a couple of times before I judge it.

So, for your pleasure, here is my WW offering:


  1. You are braver than I! I hope your persistence is paid off with wonderfully smooth skin.

  2. Eep! I tried an epilady once, and that was plenty...

    And yet I love using tweezers. Hmm.

    xx Dee

  3. Owwiiieee.... I am a shaver, not brave enough for pulling them out.


  4. Oh my god. Toooooo painful. You're a brave one.

  5. Owwwie. *cringe* I'm a complete masochist, and still not brave enough to use one of those!

  6. Ohh, I do that too! It is exhausting and exhilerating, and somehow I always end up turned on. It is quite strange but it amuses Arthur no end!

    It hurts less with shorter hairs, and to one leg at a time until it is done. The nerves get used to it and dull down a bit. Not a lot, just a bit ;)

    Have fun!

  7. omg you are so brave. is it really painful? for as long as i can remember the Lady Epilator was the butt of jokes as a torture instrument, lol.

    But I hate shaving, and the need to do it near-daily.

  8. You are so so so much braver than me! I love the idea of smooth skin but cannot handle the pain!

  9. That sounds so horrible. Jesus. You're brave

  10. Do you stay smoother for a lot longer if you use one of those? I kinda want to try one now but I don't want to pay for it if it's not much better than shaving!

  11. I did that for my arms for a while. Ouchie!
