Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Post, Wanton Wednesday

This blog is going to be for me to express myself in pictures. One thing I'm planning to do as a regular bit is Wanton Wednesdays, which you can find out about here: http://wantonwednesday.wordpress.com/ (the comments to each post are links to other bloggers who participate in WW)

This is to help me get over my negative self-image and put myself out on the net.

Also, as I start this, I'm using the camera on an new 3rd Generation iPod touch that I was given by someone who won it at work. It's pretty grainy, which annoys me, but I work with what I have for now. Anyway, on with the show!

Click "Read more" to see the pics


  1. You are beautiful and brave! Welcome to Wanton Wednesday, Kitten!

  2. Welcum to Wanton Wednesday!
    There is no better -- or braver --
    way to work on self/body image issues.

    I just did a Q&A about this and will
    send you the link when it is posted.

  3. Welcome to WW and go you. What a great start to your blogging days.


  4. Welcome to WW! Lovely photos - and your smile in the second pic is adorable :)

    xx Dee

  5. Beautiful!!! I just love the 3rd pic!!! Glad you r playing!!


  6. *whistles* Very nice pictures. Glad you're wanton-ing (yes, I totally just made that word up) along with us!
